Event information

  • Category: AMA
  • Presenter: Artem Kabanov
  • Language: English
  • Event time & date: Friday 28th October 11am London / 12 noon CET and Pretoria / 1pm Moscow / 6pm Perth and Bali / 8pm Brisbane / 9pm Sydney / 11pm Auckland and Samoa
  • Event Updates: https://t.me/+O2C8Kt7OfjtmZWU6
  • Write your questions in our Google Form and Artem will answer them on Friday!! The form is in the telegram group: https://t.me/+21hwUDQdR144M2U1
  • AMA in the form - link below: https://forms.gle/LjGkLbqmbUcRjxGS6
  • Where: The link to the broadcast will be in the telegram chat group (link above) on the day of the session!



Q and A

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